
About Christian Business Network

The Christian Business Network draws together Christian professionals seeking to support each other in their faith journey.

We do this through a variety of groups who meet regularly for mutual support, encouragement and growth. Please see our list of groups below and click on the links for more information.

The Christian Business Network is run by ChaplaincyPlus, a Christian organisation supporting the Birmingham business community. We are non-denominational and are mainly funded by donations from individuals within the business community. Please feel free to read our Annual Report for more information about our work.

Our vision is that through supporting people, encouraging organisations and believing in the city we help people to live life to the full.


Our Groups

Christian Business Network groups are a great place to meet like minded individuals working across similar sectors of business in Birmingham. You can find out more about each group on the links below.

1:1 Support

As part of our core services and beyond, CBN provides 1:1 Support.

Each of us benefits from being able to talk to somebody, on a confidential basis, especially when we’re under significant pressure. Yet with the ever-increasing pace of life who’s got the time to really listen? This is where ChaplaincyPlus can make a difference.

Day-to-day we support and encourage individuals, offering a neutral and confidential space for you to talk about life and work – whatever your background or beliefs.

In our offices you can take time out, be listened to and find a way forward. You don’t need to come to the office though.

Thought Leadership & Annual Events

ChaplaincyPlus organises a range of insightful, engaging and inspiring events that run across the year. These vary from In Person, Zoom, and hybrid events.

Our Staff

Steve Bavington

Executive Director

Mel Evans

Marketing Assistant

Sarah Thorpe

City Women Leader

Tim Skene

BWA Project manager

Our Trustees

Mark Jowett


Demo Andu


Kiki Alo


Alan Holdsworth


Alexia Binns


Amy Tabari
